Slow Down

Slow down, buddy. You're growing too fast.

Thursday was a tough day for Mommy. I had a bit of a teary morning. Sam was fine, but while he played in his crib I finally attended to a chore I had put off for a couple of weeks...I folded up and put away some of Sam's newborn clothes. It was kind of sad, boxing up his tiny little pants and onesies, the very first things my very first ever wore. I know, I know, he's supposed to grow. It's a good thing. And we have to make room for all the bigger, even cuter outfits he can now fit into. But still. Fortunately he's still wearing his first round of jammies. It's going to be tough giving those up - I'm definitely not ready for that.

Then, as if that wasn't enough for Mommy to deal with, we used up the last of the newborn diapers that day and had to break open the package of size 2 diapers. They fit so much better, too. It was another change that was probably a little overdue.

My baby's going to be shaving and wearing cologne before I know it, isn't he?