Happy 2nd Birthday! (posted 3/26)
Boy, did this guy have fun at his party!

He got lots of great presents and had a ball being the center of attention! The highlights of the party - - big turtle, little turtle and "Aunt Bail" (Aunt Bell). He's mentioned her name almost every day since. Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated our little boy's birthday, and a special thanks to Gram who saved all of my Sesame Street toys all these years. It made decorating for this party very easy - and very retro!!

Waiting, waiting, waiting for Granny... Finally! They're here!!

Pinch, pinch, pinch!

Enjoying birthday snacks with Gram

Great-Grandma Having a blast being the center of attention!

Cowboy Sam made an appearance, much to the delight of the Grannies and Grandpas

He liked his cake this year!

Helping Mommy put the finishing touches on the birthday cupcakes before our guests arrived!

Our Sesame Street friends helped us celebrate!

Happy Birthday Sam!