The Beach at Fairview

We had another spring-like day forecasted in North Texas last week, so our Lens Baby group scheduled a last-minute playdate at one of our favorite places to meet up, The Beach (and fountains) at Fairview.  Even though it was cloudy and really windy, the unseasonably warm temperatures made for a great afternoon of running, running, running!  We started out on the beach side of the park and then migrated over to the fountains.  I didn't think they'd be turned on in January, so I didn't dress Sam in swim trunks.  He was a little unsure about running through the fountain, especially in his clothes, but once he saw a friend run through, he decided to give it a try.  As you can see, he ended up completely soaked.  When it was time to go home, I stripped him down to his undies, had him sit on his coat in his car seat, and I cranked up the heat!  He had a great time, and so did little Evie, at her very first playdate!  It won't be long before she's out running around the fountains with Brother!

I've blogged about these fountains before - click


to see Sam's first trip to the fountains and the "blue wall" in August of 2010, and


to see our first trip to the beach side in March of 2011.  How is it I don't remember him ever being that little...