Today You Are Two Months
Today you are two months. I can't believe how much you've changed! You've accomplished a lot this month. These last few weeks you...
started cooing!
smiled your first real, on-purpose smiles
had your first conversation with Mommy - such fun!
grew to love your papasan chair
planted flowers on the porch with Mommy and Daddy
fell in love with your BEARS!
got a little better at holding on to your pacifier (but only a
went to the grocery store with Mommy for the first time - we love Target!
met cousins and aunts and an uncle
got used to your baby carrier - you snuggle in close and fall asleep
started chewing on your hand
celebrated your first holiday
sang songs with Mommy from your new CDs
"watched TV" with Mom on your Boppy
lost some hair and then grew it back again
started moving your arms and legs like crazy!!
were the star of many more photos and videos
started sleeping for one 5-hour stretch a night! Thanks buddy!
Looking forward to your third month, Little Bird!