Sam and I met Chester, Chestnut Square's most famous kitty, about two years ago after we had finished taking some Christmas photos there. He followed us to our car and Sam sat down to pet him for the longest time. Sam never forgot about Chester and talks about him every once in a while. When I told him we were going to do back-to-school photos at "the houses" in Chestnut Square his first comment was "I hope we see Chester". Sure enough, Chester was there to greet us as soon as we pulled in to the parking lot. And then he promptly tinkled on our car. An extra-special greeting! Sam was equally horrified and impressed. He made sure I knew we needed to wash it off as soon as we got home and then followed Chester right in to play chase around the houses.
Chester is so popular with the kids around town he has his own picture book and often posts on Chestnut Square's Facebook page. He nipped at Sam and a couple other kids while we were there, but he's pretty tolerant overall and the kids love to chase him around.
After Sam and I spent some time taking photos, he spotted Chester alone on the sidewalk and the two of them had a little playdate of their own. I'm not a cat person, but any kitty who likes my kid is a friend of mine. Even if they potty on my car.
Until next time, Chester!
to see our first encounter with Chester, way back in November 2011*