Little One
We went location scouting in Denton last night before our pizza dinner, looking for a place to take Sam's five-year photos. We brought the necessities - a chair and a bag of Goldfish. We found a cool spot, but probably not spacious enough for a whole shoot. I got a couple interesting shots of Evie, though, putting those fish away like nobody's business. She looks so little here.
Mama's Mary Janes
Evie brings me her shoes all the time and asks me to put them on for her. On this particular morning she was wearing footie jammies and her regular shoes wouldn't fit, so we grabbed a pair of Mommy's old mary janes that I was saving in her closet. They did the trick and she loved the way they clicked on the kitchen floor..
She played for a long while this way. Here she's kissing her three bears and Goldilocks dolls
and bringing them to me so I can give them a kiss, too.
Evie at Fourteen Months
Evelyn Mae you are fourteen months today! The past month started out very busy, then slowed way down. The day you turned thirteen months we went to Granny Nell's for our early Christmas celebration. That kicked off a whole big bunch of Christmas gatherings and you loved every minute of it. You loved all of your presents (Uncle Andrew gave you the dress you're wearing in your 13 month photos) and you loved some of Sam's presents, too!
You and Mommy came close to ringing in the New Year together; you fell asleep on my lap on the couch around 10:30. I had taken you out of your crib because you were super fussy - your top left front tooth was popping through. But we didn't quite make it to midnight before everyone in the house was snoozing away. New Year's Day was a big day for us, though, because Sam threw his first party and Gram and Pops came over to help us celebrate the first day of 2014.
Weight - 23-ish lb.
Clothes - You're still wearing your 12-18 month outfits and a few 18-24 month things. You won't wear a bow or clip and your bangs are getting long. Arghh! You still love putting on your socks and shoes more than anything else in the world. You often bring a pair of shoes to me first thing in the morning and say "Shhhh!!".
- Size 4
Feedings - You're still nursing once or twice a day for a total of about ten minutes. Dinner's getting more difficult. You're slowing starting to notice those vegetable-y things don't taste as good as those cracker-y things. Time for Mommy to start getting creative...
Sleeping - You're teething in spurts and those nights are rough; otherwise you go down easy. You're in bed by 8:00 and you usually sleep until around 7:00/7:30. You're still taking two naps unless you go down late for the first one, which often happens after we've been at a playdate or running errands.
Talking - still "Ma-ma" or "Ma", "buhhhd" (bird), and "Da-da", adding "shhhh" for shoes and "Ssss" for Sam. "Muhh" is more and everything else is just "ehhh! ehhh!"
Playing - you still love the dishwasher and Mommy's bathroom, and have added the kitchen closet to your list of favorite places. You pull out all the sippie cups, tupperware, plastic plates and plastic bowls. It's a pain to clean it all up, but it keeps you entertained while I fix dinner so for that reason I'm all for it! You love your baby dolls and your baby stroller and you like to stack all the canisters of PlayDoh that Sam got for Christmas.
I got some unusual expressions this time. You were all. over. the. place in this chair! But you've been wiggly for a long time. You are a very, very active little girl. You were also rather tired during our photo session. You kept asking for blankie and bunny so you could snuggle them. I'm glad they made it in the pictures with you.
Happy 14 months, Evelyn!
Sam's Rockin' New Year's Day Party
The Straka family started 2014 off right with an awesome New Year's Day party planned in its entirety by our one-and-only Sam. After watching Peppermint Patty throw a party for Charlie Brown and the Gang on his favorite cartoon, Sam decided he needed to throw a New Year's Party, too.
After Christmas we sat down and wrote out his plans. Really, his only must-haves were marshmallows, root beer (which he'd never had before, but tried at the party) and dancing. Mommy knew that we needed more to eat than marshmallows so we added ingredients for tacos to our list. We headed out to Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree for our decorations and we had ourselves a Par.Tay.
I think Brian's diggin' his tiara...
The blowers were a big, big hit. Evie tried her hardest to make them go and Sam figured out how to use them to bop balloons in the air.
Happy 2014!