Had I known, I might not have done it.
Sam didn't like his pacifier when he was first born, but I kept offering it to him because research showed it might help reduce his risk of SIDS. Once he turned one and that risk became almost zero he was fairly attached to it so I decided to not get rid of it right away. With each passing day he became more and more attached and soon it became clear it wasn't going away on its own.
We worked on getting rid of it in baby steps, starting with Mother's Day Out this fall - no binkie at school this year. Next came no binkie on the couch, it had to stay on the bed. Once he started sneaking it out of his room, hiding it behind his blankie, I decided I'd had enough! We put binkie away with the promise of ice cream if he made it through the night. That first night went great and we stopped for ice cream on our way home from MDO the next day! He hasn't asked for it since. That went MUCH more smoothly than I thought it would. Pheew.